Can I Get My Ex to Love Me Again? Some Make Up Tips For Cheaters

If you're reeling from a breakup, it's quite natural to ask this classic question: Can I get my ex to love me again?

The simple answer to this question is quite simply, YES, you can make your ex love you again. However, it won't be without any work from your part. Breakups are really a lot like diseases, they are better prevented than cured.

But being broken up doesn't mean you won't be able to mend your relationship. Couples all over the world break up and make up all the time, and many of these relationships have been able to weather the nastiest relationship storms, like cheating.

If you are keen on getting back with your ex, first you have to recognize that whatever happened, whether you broke up because someone cheated, you were both at fault. If you cheated, he or she wasn't giving you what you needed so you looked somewhere else.

If he or she cheated, you were not giving what your partner needed. Yes, the cheater may be stricken down for immorality, but the fault lies on the laps of both parties.

If you've been asking, "Can I get my ex to love me again?", you're most likely the cheating party. Given that, it is important to ask for forgiveness. And if you apologize, mean it. Too many times, after saying sorry," people do a Britney Spears with an "Oops I did it again," moment. Even if you were Britney Spears, it's not cute. When you say you are sorry, be committed to changing. Otherwise, you won't get your partner back.

Be prepared to chase your partner a little bit. This doesn't mean sending him or her hundreds of text messages everyday or stalking him. But you've got to show you're still interested in mending your relationship.

You can't expect your partner to come running back to you just because you have sent some modest signals you want to re-start the relationship. Keep your ego in check and put your heart on the line.

Be prepared to settle for something less than what you wanted. You may want a full-fledged relationship but your ex may want both of you to be "just friends". Especially in the case of cheating, it takes time to build rebuild the trust in a broken relationship. If this is the case, give your partner the space he or she needs to get to know you again. Accept that you have to take what the other party is offering right now if you want to make him or her love you again.

Take note, however, that things may not as you want them to be, and sometimes, you just have to move on, even if you're despairing inside with the "can I get my ex to love me again?" drama... You'll know when it's time to move on if your ex is unwilling to forgive you. When this happens, at least you're in a better to find a new love. While it may break your heart at the moment, trust that moving on may be the best thing that could have happened to you.

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