Pick Up Artist Tips - Making the First Move

If you want to be an effective pick up artist, you have to pluck up the courage to make the first move to get you on your way to getting her number right?

Most guys never meet hot girls because they just cannot gather enough courage up to go and speak to them. So here is a simple trick that most decent pick up artists use; kamikaze!

The thing is this; if you are going to have a chance of getting laid, you are going to have to spend some time with the girl. If you are going to spend some time with the girl, you probably need to get on a date with her (because real life isn't like the porn movies you have seen!). If you are going to go on a date with her, you are going to have to speak to her so stop hanging around and just get on with it!

The kamikaze method relies on a few basic concepts, not least the one I have indicated above that if you want to get to somewhere with the chick, you're going to have to speak to her! Any pick up artist worth his salt realises that if your approach doesn't work, your pride might be injured but it is unimportant - you have to develop a thick skin to be a player in this game.

Anyway, hot girls get hit on by strangers all the time so they are used to it. It's not like they are going to hold it against you - after all, they will probably just forget a bad approach as quickly as you made it.

So put your personal nerves and anxieties to one side and just go and talk to her. If you really can't think of anything to say, just give her a compliment (without being cheesy or lewd) and then walk away. She'll be intrigued and if you play it cool, she will start playing for you rather than you trying to chase her. Remember, the best way to pull any girl is to get her to pull you!

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